Frog Eye Salad

Today is a very special day.  My sister Becky is sharing her recipe for Frog Eye Salad.  The first bite I fell instantly in love with this dish.  I had never had it before and the first bite was heaven.  I get so excited every time I hear her say she will be making this.   I am so excited to share this recipe with all of you.  Please welcome Becky to the kitchen today.

Hello, my name is Becky and I am Melissa's younger sister.  This was a recipe given to me from a former co-worker.  We used to have a support staff pot-luck once a month.  On one Hawaiian Themed pot-luck, there was this bowl with what I thought to be a type of rice pudding.  Turns out, it was Frog Eye Salad.  It was the best tasting dish at the party that day and I just had to get the recipe!  I have since made this salad on a number of occasions, baby shower, cook-outs, and other pot-lucks and each time, it draws a huge crowd.  It is very deceptive; most people think it is a tapioca type dish.  Take a look and you’ll be surprised by what it really is!!  It is such a secret ingredient, that I have to travel 50 miles to find the ingredient!!! 

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 cup of sugar
2tbsp. flour
1 ¾ cup unsweetened pineapple juice
2 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp. lemon juice
3 quarts water
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 16-oz pkg acini di pepe pasta
3 11-oz cans mandarin oranges, drained
2 20-oz cans pineapple tidbits, drained
1 20-oz can crushed pineapple, drained
1 8-oz container cool whip
1 cup mini marshmallows
1 cup shredded coconut

1.        In sauce pan, combine sugar, flour, ½ tsp salt, pineapple juice and eggs.  Stir and cook over medium heat until thickened.  Remove from heat, add lemon juice and cool to room temperature. 

2.       Bring water to a boil, add oil and remaining salt and cook pasta until al dente.  Rinse under cold water and drain.

3.       In a large bowl combine pasta and egg mixture, mandarin oranges, all pineapple and whipped topping, mix together well.

4.       Refrigerate overnight or until chilled.  Before serving add marshmallows and coconut, toss everything together and serve.

Served Up With Love!
 Thank you Becky for sharing your recipe. I am so glad to finally have this recipe, it is really funny I do not know if I ever asked you for it.  I just wait for you to make it!

Shared at
Weekend Potluck @ The Country Cook


  1. I've seen the title "Frog Eye Salad," but I've never had it or even knew what was in it. Thanks, Becky, for sharing. Must be something special to travel that far for an ingredient (love that, by the way)!

  2. Never seen it or heard of it but, wow, does it look and sound yummy! I'm definitely making it soon :)

    P.S. Love your new header!

  3. Definitely Looks Soooo Yummy and cannot wait to try it! Thank you Becky! You're as awesome as your sister! <3 and Hugs!

  4. Oh my! My Great- grandma used to make that! Yummers!

  5. what type store or place sales the pasta that was mentioned is it that hard to find could you possibley use another type of pasta?

    1. We live in a small town so my sister picks this up at Kroger when she is up that way. You may be able to request your local store to carry it too. I am not sure on a substitution for the pasta. If you have a store that carries a lot of variety they may have it. Hope you get to try it soon.


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