Gooseberry Patch The Christmas Table Review and Giveaway

 I am so excited to be once again working with Gooseberry Patch to review The Christmas Table. I could not wait to get this in the mail and dive in. Picking out just a couple to try for this review was really hard. I wanted to make each one of them. Not only do I enjoy all the great recipes but all the great little tidbits sprinkled through out the pages with tips and decorating ideas.  I like that this is a cookbook compiled of all home cooks with tried and true recipes from cooks just like me.

The first recipe that jumped out at me was the Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookies. Growing up our neighbor made the best sugar cookies on the planet. She would bring us over a plate of these cookies every year. I always looked forward to them. They were simple but they were the best I have ever had, even to this day. She has been gone for many years now and I still think about her cookies and long for that little bite of heaven. I would love to get my hands on her recipe, although I am not sure if they would be as good as hers.   When I saw these I hoped so much that these would be just like hers. These were very similar, I think they were just missing that little extra love that she put in them. Until I find that recipe, these will be my go to recipe. A must try this holiday season!

I knew when I saw this one that it would be a hit with my family. I mean come on, Cinnamon Roll Cake, who doesn't love a good cinnamon roll?  This was super simple to put together and the flavor was spot on. I have made cinnamon rolls before and I can say they are a lot of work. Quick and easy, which is what we all need during the holidays.  So if you are looking for a simple, yet tempting dessert this holiday season, give this one a try. You will not be disappointed! 

Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookies
1/3 Cup butter, softened
1/3 Cup shortening
1 Cup all-purpose flour
3/4 Cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 Tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt

In a large bowl, beat butter and shortening with an electric mixer on medium speed for 30 seconds. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Cover and chill dough for 3 hours. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to a 1/8 inch thickness; cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters. Arrange on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for 7 minutes, or until golden. Makes 2 dozen. 

Cinnamon Roll Cake
1 box yellow cake mix
1 Cup brown sugar, packed
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
2 Cups powdered sugar
1/4 Cup milk
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Prepare cake mix according to package directions, spread half the batter in a greased 13 x 9 baking pan. In a small bowl, stir together brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle evenly over batter. Top with remaining batter. Run a knife through the layers to create swirls. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. In a bowl, combine powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla, adding more milk if needed to reach desired consistency. Spread over warm cake. Cut into squares to serve. Serves 10

Thank you Gooseberry Patch for the wonderful opportunity to work with you again on The Christmas Table. What a pleasure it is to work with you!  Please do stop by Gooseberry Patch and tell them I sent you! Want a copy of The Christmas Table, check out the online store for all the cookbooks available and you may find one you have been looking for. 

Now on to the good stuff....Gooseberry Patch sent me an extra copy just for one of you! That's can win a copy of The Christmas Table! 

Giveaway is now closed...thank you for entering!

Giveaway details... Make sure you leave a seperate comment for each entry, so each one counts. Please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!

1. Mandatory...Post a comment telling us what your favorite family memory is  or traditions you have for Christmas.  (I really enjoy reading all the comments)

2. Like Served Up With Love on Facebook, come back here and tell me you did. Already a follower, that works too, comment that you already are.

3.Like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook come back here and tell me you did, already a fan, just comment  that you already are. 

4. Share this giveaway on your facebook page, come back and let me know you did.

5. Follow Served Up With Love on Pinterest. 

6. Follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest. 

Giveaway ends November 30th....Will it be you?

Looking for a special gift for that someone who has absolutely everything. Check out my Christmas Shop, this is my way of helping our financial struggles for our family as we face our 5th lay off for my husband in three years. Check back often as I will be adding items. Thanks for looking!

Served Up With Love Christmas Shop


  1. My favorite Christmas memory is making Raindeer food with my kids. We all mix the oats and some glitter to baggies and give them to my nieces and on christmas eve. we sprinkle it on the lawn to guide in the raindeer ;) doesnt matter how old the kids get we still do it and it feels magical.

  2. I shared your giveaway on Facebook <3 @Mainelybakes

  3. My favorite Christmas memory is Christmas 2004. That would be when I had a 3 month old little boy to celebrate with, for he is the best gift ever.

  4. I like Served Up With Love on Facebook.

  5. I like Gooseberry Patch on FB.

  6. I liked Gooseberry on Facebook

  7. I left a photo and comment on Facebook(although now I can't see it)

  8. One of the funniest Christmas' was when my mom didn't label gifts and my brother and I kidded around as to who the "big" gift was for. Turned out me but the funny thing was they had given us identical gifts, just put mine in a larger box

  9. I have six younger siblings. When we would come home from Midnight or late Christmas Eve mass we would then make a fresh batch of warm cookies for Santa before we went to bed. This is something that as we have married and have our own families we have done with them and then when we get together.

  10. Favorite Christmas Memory has to be when my sister(you) and I sneaked down stairs early Christmas morning and shook all the gifts under the tree and we knocked on on the floor and it was so loud(it was a toolbox) our grandmother (nanny)coughed who was sleeping the the room next to us! We ran so fast upstairs, ah, the memories! Also remember all the different candy jars and nuts dad would put around the house!

  11. Already like you on Facebook

  12. Follow Gooseberry on Pinterest too!

  13. Follow Gooseberry on Facebook too!

  14. I love making cookies and candies for my family and some for gifts for others. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  15. I am a facebook fan of yours. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  16. I am a facebook fan of Gooseberry Patch. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  17. I am a pinterest follower of yours. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  18. I am a pinterest follower of Gooseberry Patch. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  19. When we were little my four sisters and I would put together a lip syncing show set to Christmas music for our mom and dad...we would perform on Christmas Eve. Used a brush as a was great fun and great memories...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  20. I already like Served up with Love on fb....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  21. I like G.Patch on Pinterest as labellaluna......ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  22. I follow Served up with Love on pinterest as labellaluna.....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  23. I shared on my fb page.... at yahoo dot com.

  24. My favourite Christmas memory is going to midnight mass and coming home to feast on our Christmas dinner and open presents in the middle of the night. There is just something so magical about midnight mass and then coming home to find that Santa had passed while we were away. It's a part of my heritage that I love to share with my kids as well :-)

  25. I'm also a fan of Gooseberry Patch on FB

  26. I follow you on Pinterest

  27. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest

  28. Shared your giveaway on my FB page

  29. Christmas memories..gong to the Christmas concert at church and then going home to open gifts on Christmas were always to excited

  30. follow you on FB

  31. follow gooseberry patch on fb

  32. My favorite Christmas memory is on Christmas Eve Mom would tuck us all in bed and read us the Christmas Story. We would get so excited we couldn't fall asleep and thought we could hear the reindeer on the roof and was so afraid that Santa would leave cause we where not sleeping. So we would close our eyes so tight we would dose right off to sleep. Then we would wake up hearing bells jingling and Daddy would run up the stairs and tell us all excited that Santa had come to hurry up but we couldn't go down the steps until everyone including my Grandmother was ready...we would line up and then down the stairs we would go and the fun began...we would finish all of our presents then get all dressed up and go visit our families (and boy do we have a lot of families we visited). We visited different family members as well as friends everyday from Christmas right thru New Years! Then on New Years Day we had our family reunion at our house and boy did we have the game was on and kids playing! Our house would be packed but oh the fun we had and the memories will never fade!

  33. Already like Served Up With Love o Facebook!

  34. Already like Gooseberry Patch on FB

  35. Already follow you on Pinterest

  36. Already follow Gooseberry on pinterest

  37. Already follow Gooseberry Patch on FB

  38. My favorite Christmas memories are of my mom baking and making candy. She fixed up pretty plates and sent me out to deliver them to her friends and neighbors. On Monday we each took a bag of plates for teachers. I never thought of it then, but she set aside one day to get these ready. I do the same thing.

  39. I follow you on Pinterest.

  40. I like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook.

  41. My favorite tradition is Santa Sacs. All the adults buy a cheesy gift to put in for each of the nieces and nephews. While the adults are drinking and getting dinner ready, they entertain themselves. They usually contain some kind of game, or projectile, and it gets pretty wild. The past few years we also have a G.I. Sac on our doorstep. Neighbors, friends and family fill it before the holidays and I ship it out.

  42. Filled requirements 1-4. Susan Foster Beste @

  43. My favorite childhood christmas memories (so many to choose from) are baking with my Mom & Grams and sister! So many family traditions also!

  44. I am a new follower of your blog!

  45. I "like" Gooseberry patch on facebook.

  46. I follow Gooseberry patch on pinterest.

  47. My favorite Christmas memory is making fudge, fruitcakes and LOTS of cookies with my Grandmother and my Aunt. I always loved getting in the kitchen with them. Learning, baking and making memories!

  48. I shared the giveaway FB link on my FB page. I also liked Served Up with Love's FB page. (I have liked Gooseberry Patch for a long time) and I am following both on Pinterest.

  49. I love getting together with family - meeting new family members, seeing those that are still around and remembering those that have already passed.

  50. Liked Served Up with Love on Facebook

  51. Been a fan of Gooseberry Patch since they joined Facebook!

  52. Followed on everything. Favorite Christmas tradition was making cheese sausage pizza with my dad and family on Xmas Eve. Then we opened gifts. I usually try with my family now to make chocolate chip cookies on Xmas eve if we can.

  53. Shared about the giveaway on my Facebook page @laurieskillern

  54. we collect a nutcracker for every year of marrige

  55. Following Served Up with Love on Pinterest

  56. My favourite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree and listening to Christmas music.

  57. I already follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest!

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    angela m

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    angela m

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  61. I Follow Served Up With Love on Pinterest.
    angela marriott

  62. I Follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest.
    angela marriott

  63. Sandy D. liked your fb page ~ my favorite memory is going to church on Christmas Eve ~ our mother always made us matching outfits for my 2 sisters and I to match mom's!!! She was an amazing seamstress for sure! :-)
    Shared your post on my fb page!
    Following you on Pinterest as of today! Please follow me as well...
    Following Gooseberry Patch on fb and Pinterest! Love what they do!

  64. My older sister and i always spend one or two days baking all the Christmas cookies, fudge, candy for our whole family to share on Christmas Day.

  65. I already like Goosberry Patch on facebook

  66. Like served up with love on facebook

  67. Following you on Pinterest

  68. sharing on my facebook page

  69. One of my favorite Christmas memories was when the family all lived within the same block and on Christmas day we all went to each other's house to open presents. Then either my mom or grandmother would host the Christmas dinner. There was always so much food and the yummy homemade pumpkin, pecan, and chocolate pies!!!

    Also, I am already a FB and Pinterest fan and I shared your link on FB!

  70. To remember THE TRADITION of David going down to light the tree and start the Christmas Music , then he would go and bring down each child , oldest to youngest , hes been gone 12 years and how I wish I could go back and see him doing it with his newest Grand , 1 yr old this Christmas

  71. Favorite family memory - making a new Christmas ornament for the tree each year.

  72. Every year as I take the tree down and put the ornaments away I use the current years picture/Christmas card and jot down the following: all the ways we have been blessed during the year; big and small and all of the defining moments from the year. I also write down my hopes and dream for the year to come. Then as my kids decorate the tree the next year I sit back and usually with tears in my eyes remember all of the joys and sorrows. I'm always amazed at just how God has responded to my "hopes and dreams" comments from the previous year.
    Thanks for the giveaway
    My email is

  73. I love spending Christmas Eve with my parents and then Christmas morning reading the Christmas story right out of the Bible before we open gifts, did that with our children and now our grand children. I love Gooseberry Patch and have quite a collection of cook books. I am a fan of Gooseberry on FB and also liked Served up with Love on FB.

  74. My favorite Christmas memory is starting the day with my parents and then spending the afternoon with my grandparents. It's all about Family!

  75. I already like Gooseberry on Facebook

  76. My favorite Christmas memories are from my childhood. Laying on the floor in the living room with one or more of my six brothers just looking at the twinkling lights on the tree and our heads full of wonder for what Christmas morning would bring!. I liked Gooseberry Patch on Facebook too! Merry Christmas!

  77. I shared your giveaway on Facebook

  78. I am now a Served up With Love follower on Pinterest

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  80. I Follow Gooseberry on Pinterest

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    Thank you
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  82. I Liked Gooseberry on FB
    Thank you
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  83. I already follow Gooseberry on Pinterest
    Thanks for the giveaway

  84. My favorite thing on Christmas is having all the family arriving and all helping out in the kitchen to finish preparations for our afternoon dinner. After we are done and the dish washer is running we go to church as a family which is my favorite part. After we come home and open gifts and spend the remainder of the time playing with the grandkids, snacking and playing cards or games.

  85. I liked Served Up With Love on Facebook

  86. My favorite christmas memory is when I was a young girl and my mother and siblings and I would pop popcorn and string it for the tree.

  87. I already am a follower of Gooseberry Patch on FB

  88. One of my favorite christmas traditions is taking my children to a local church every year that has a drive-thru live nativity scenes. Afterward we go in the church and have hot cocoa and cookies. This is a great way to remind them the true meaning of Christmas.

  89. I follow Served Up with Love on Pinterst

  90. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest

  91. My favorite memories of Christmas is just seeing my kids faces when they were little and the excitement in their eyes and hearts. now i have the same pleasure watching my grandchildren!!!

    I follow you on FB and Pinterest!!!

    I am so happy to share this to all my family and friends!!!!!!

  92. My favorite Christmas tradition is making Polish pierogi with my mom and aunts on Christmas Eve to be shared with our extended family. My grandmother taught my mom and aunts. My mom and aunts in turn have taught me. We all have our jobs in the pierogi making process. While making the pierogies, I love that I get to hear stories about my grandmother that I so much admire yet never had the opportunity to meet. We follow my grandmother's traditions for Easter also. I am a fan of Gooseberry Patch on facebook and I follow them also on Pinterest. I love how Gooseberry Patch not only gives us great family recipes in their cookbooks but they also give us a glimpse into the memory or tradition that the recipe originated from!

  93. Every Christmas the whole family would work together to make candy for our neighbors' Christmas plates. Mom made fudge, chocolate and peanut butter. Dad made Raspberry Divinity. My sister and I decorated cookies. We let our little brother help us. The wonderful smells and the togetherness in our house was what made it Christmas.

  94. My favorite tradition for Christmas is cooking dinner for my family on Christmas Eve. Have been doing it for eight years now.
    Campbellamyd at Gmail dot com

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    Campbellamyd at Gmail dot com

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    Campbellamyd at Gmail dot com

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    Campbellamyd at Gmail dot com

  98. My favorite Christmas memory is making cookies with my mom!!! What fun we would have. And that custom carried on with the grandchildren as well, and the grandchildren remember those happy times to this day!!!

  99. I like Gooseberry Patch on FB.

  100. I like Served Up With Love on FB

  101. I shared the giveaway on FB

  102. Some of my favorite Christmas memories...every Christmas Eve my children receive a gift form us, not Santa, a new pair of Christmas pj's....I also like to wrap christmas stories up like presents & each night in December the children choose 1 to unwrap & have read to them.

  103. My favorite Christmas tradition is spending Christmas Eve over night at my parents. We have done this as a family (me, hubby and 3 boys) since the kids were very little and they are 25,21,and 17 now. It will be no different this year. My mom and I will bake and cook for our get together on Christmas Eve. My dad will dress up as Santa and like he does each year, read a new Christmas story to us all. Then, at midnight my dad will pass out gifts for us to open. Every year I pray that we will get a good snowfall to compliment our warm fire and Christmas music playing in the background.

    P.S. I liked your FB page and I was already a Gooseberry fan :) I am also a follower of both on Pinterest! Thanks!

    Merry Christmas!


  104. Already like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  105. One of my favorite memories of Christmas is maintaining the Polish tradition of going caroling carrying a huge bright star on a pole, dressed in Polish customes and singing Polish and English carols throughout Polish neighborhoods, the surprise and delight from those that opened the door. Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway arlene Marie Pitts,

  106. I liked you on Facebook because there is no 'love' button. arlene Marie Pitts

  107. I have loved Gooseberry Patch on facebook for a long time. arlene Marie Pitts,

  108. I shared your giveaway on my facebook page Marie Pitts
    arlene Marie Pitts,

  109. I am now following you on Pinterest
    arlene Marie Pitts,

  110. I have been following Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest. arlene Marie Pitts,

  111. My favorite memory is always cooking breakfast for dinner with the kids on Christmas eve. They loved it and to this day we still do it even though they are older and don't all live at home anymore.

  112. After my mom died, On Christmas eve my family would go to her grave, light a candle and sing songs. That is one thing I miss now that I live so far.

  113. shared your giveaway on my personal page

  114. I like served up with love on facebook

  115. I like gooseberry on facebook

  116. I follow served up with love on pintrest

  117. I follow gooseberry on pintrest

  118. My favorite memory is when I was about six years, my granny got me a walking doll for Christmas and I was one Happy girl. Sherry Baird

  119. I already like your page Sherry Baird

  120. I already follow Gooseberry Patch

  121. I shared your giveaway on facebook. sherry baird

  122. Love your page. I have completed all the steps to sign up I hope. My favorite Christmas memory was when our children were young and My Mother-in-Law was living. She loved Christmas and Our son and daughter was 10 and 7 they would always put on a Christmas Padget for her and sell tickets to the family. Mom always bought her ticket early so she could get a front row seat. The last Christmas Padget that was planned was the year Mom passed in 1993. They had everything ready for their program to be put on after we got home from church that night and before church, while waiting on us to pick her up for church my mother in law had a massive stroke and we took her to the hospital. Mom never recovered from the stroke and passed Jan 2 we didn't have Christmas that year and that Padget was never put on, the kids never put on a Padget after that. When we went through her things she had kept every homemade ticket from the years past and had that one in her wallet. She was the most awesome mother-in-law/grandma a person could ever ask for. I still miss her so much. Maybe this is not what you meant but it is the one I remember most.

  123. oops forgot to leave email is

  124. I follow you on FB and would love to win one of your cookbooks. Thank you so very much for the opportunity.

  125. Please enter my name in your draw for a cook book. Thank You

  126. My mom would love this she collects cookbooks and i never know what to get her this would be great

  127. My sisters and I would put on lip syncing shows to old Christmas tunes for our family on xmas eve...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  128. I like Served up with love on fb.ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  129. I follow served up with love via pinterest as labellaluna....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  130. I follow GP on fb...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  131. I follow GP via pinterest as labellaluna.....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  132. I shared on my fb page as mary fanara coleman......ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.


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