Pineapple Coconut Pie

Pineapple and coconut are two of my favorite flavors together. When I stumbled upon this recipe I knew I had to try it. One taste and you are transported to a tropical island without a care in the world. Truth is I could really use that right now. I have sat down for days trying to write up this recipe post to share only to have my mind go blank. 

With all the things that have happened in the past few months I think everything is finally taking a toll on me. Since my husbands heart attack back in December everything has changed. It is a daily struggle for me trying to find balance. Is it even possible to find balance in our lives? What we were before the heart attack is not what we are now. We are a much stronger family.  

My husband walks daily and recently I started to join him. On the road we live on it is very hilly. We are lucky to live in the county and not live on a main road. There is traffic but usually just neighbors and such. I was doing so well until I injured my leg. I have been resting it so I can get back at it. If it would just get back to being warmer I would be more willing to give it a try again. I was really starting to enjoy it and look forward to it every day. 

Hubby and I on our walks. Those hills are a no joke!

This would be a perfect addition to your Easter meal. 

Pineapple Coconut Pie

4 egg yolks
1/3 cup butter, soften
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon flour
1 cup coconut
1 cup crushed pineapple, drained
1 teaspoon vanilla
9 inch unbaked pie shell

Beat eggs well, then add butter, sugar, flour, and milk. Mix well. Add coconut, pineapple, and vanilla. Pour mixture in the pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. 

Shared at these great parties:
Weekend Potluck
Foodie Friends Friday
Do Tell Tuesday @ Maybe She Made It
Wednesday Round Up @ Love Pasta and a Toolbelt

More Pineapple Recipes to Love: 


  1. Loved the ingredients. Pineapple and coconut, both my fav. Interesting.

  2. Thanks Minnie,
    Pineapple and coconut are two of my favorite flavor combinations. This pie is absolutely delicious!

  3. I will definitely try this one! Pineapple and coconut--tropical magic. I hope you and your husband are continuing to heal and that life has returned to normal (if there is ever such a thing!) by this time. Thank you for sharing your great recipe.

  4. Thanks Genie, life has gotten better thank you! This pie is super delicious and I hope you get to make it.

  5. If I am using a frozen pie crust, do I defrost it first?

    1. Yes you will want it to be defrosted. It doesn't take long at all.

  6. When I was growing up we often had this. It was so delicious, but we called it “Dang Good Pie”.

  7. Can I sub apple sauce instead of butter?

  8. I made a graham cracker crust, sub the regular butter for vegan butter. Next time I may try to sub the butter for applesauce. Will be making this again!

    1. I would love to know if you tried to sub it yet and im eager to know if it worked?


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