Warm Lemon Pudding Cake

When I asked my son what he wanted for his 16th birthday cake he said lemon.  I had seen this recipe on Pinterest and immediately showed it to him.  He said YES that is what I want! This recipe comes from a fellow blogger who I had been admiring long before I ever ventured into the blogging world, Mandy's Recipe Box.  I love anything lemon and have a pin board on Pinterest just for lemon recipes. We had our family over on his special day to celebrate.  I made the cakes just before everyone was to arrive so they would still be nice and warm.  We served with vanilla ice cream.  Oh my, this was so good.  I made 2 of these to share with family and only had a little bit of one left.  I have been thinking about this cake ever since.  I bought everything I need to make another one sometime really soon.

It is really hard to believe that my son is now 16 years old. Where did the time go?  I still remember how exciting and scary it was the day I went in the hospital.  My doctor decided to induce me so I knew when I was going in.  We were told a couple of times prior to delivery that he was actually a girl.  EVERYTHING I had was pink or girly, imagine my surprise when after 23 hours of labor the doctor tells me, its a boy!  We were not prepared at all for a boy.  I am one of three girls and had no idea how to take care of a boy.  Everyone was surprised and excited.  Luckily, we already had a boy name picked out for him. My Dad was not there waiting in the waiting room with everyone else.  My first call was to my Dad.  I could hear in his voice the smile on his face, especially when I told him he was being named after him, Priceless!  My son was the first boy in my family, and was for 10 years until my nephew was born.  He has a very special relationship with his grandparents and spent many days with them while I worked.  I am so happy he has such a special relationship with them, I wouldn't want it any other way.  I am so proud of the young man he is becoming.  I love you son.

Warm Lemon Pudding Cake-Mandy's Recipe Box
1 pkg yellow cake mix ( 9x13 size)
Ingredients called for on back of cake box
2 pkg (3.4oz each) instant lemon pudding
1/3 c. sugar
2 c. cold milk
1 1/4 c. water
2 Tbsp. powdered sugar (for dusting)
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare cake as directed on package. Pour into a greased 9x13 pan. Beat dry pudding mixes, granulated sugar, milk and water with whisk 2 min.; pour over batter in dish. Don't spread it. You'll fail. Place baking dish on baking sheet. (Baking sheet will catch any sauce that might bubble over sides of dish as dessert bakes.) Bake 55 min. to 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 20 min. (Sauce will thicken slightly as it cools.) Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve warm. Refrigerate leftovers

Served Up With Love!

If you have not visited Mandy's Recipe Box, please do.  She has some really great recipes and her photos are incredible. Thanks Mandy, this cake is to die for.

This past week I was given a really great shout out by a fellow blogger.  KC for Chat 'n Dish shared a video on her blog and had some really great things to say about mine. Thank you KC, you have no idea how much you made my week. If you have not checked out Chat 'n Dish, please do. 

Check out Chat 'n Dish and watch this video and let me know what you think. Thanks again KC!

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  1. That cake, warm with vanilla ice cream? The most delicious thing I can imagine :)

    Happy Birthday to your young man!

  2. Thanks so much! This cake is soo good!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope he had a wonderful day. I know the cake was! Yep, I want to make this so bad right now. Wish I was at home to get it started. Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 32! See you Thursday! <3 and hugs sweetie!

  4. Oh wow! I would be using my finger to make sure I got every last drop of deliciousness dripping from this cake! Pinning! thanks for sharing and happy birthday to your young man!

  5. I saw this and couldn't wait to make it. It is in the oven now...but I am worried it won't turn out correctly. After making it, I realized that I used sugar free pudding instead of regular. Do you think it will still turn out and be good? ??

  6. I just logged on and saw your post. I have not used the sugar free pudding before so Im not sure how it would turn out. I hope everything turned out ok for you. Hope you come back and let us know how it worked for you. Thanks for visiting!


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