Watermelon Lemonade

My sister and I saw this in a cookbook while we were in line for hours waiting to meet Pioneer Woman. My sister had told me that week she was going to be in Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach is only a couple hours away from us and I knew I had to find a way to go. I didn't know if I would ever get that opportunity again. We set out that morning on our adventure, armed with the GPS and my two cookbooks. We had to stop on the way to find one for my sister because we knew they would be way more expensive at the book signing. We were lucky to find one all by itself at Walmart on the way. We were set, we had no idea what we were getting into. Neither one of us had ever been to a book signing.  That is what made it so fun. We found out that tickets were given out the night before and only those people were guaranteed to meet Ree.  We waited for hours barely moving, waiting with anticipation, we did not have a ticket. It was so neat to see her even from a distance I could tell she was such a sweetheart. It is a good thing the aisle we were waiting on was not the cookbook aisle. I think I would have gotten myself into trouble. We kept meaning to stop on the way down to grab some lunch but it never seemed to work out of where to stop. As I said, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. After waiting for a while, we decided to check out the little coffee shop in the bookstore to see if they had anything to eat. I kept our spot while my sister went and looked. Luckily they had a couple different sandwiches to choose from. So she ordered us a couple. It was a ham and cheese but the cheese neither one of us had tried so we got them without the cheese. The guy at the counter felt so bad when she went back to pick it up because it had 2 little pieces of ham on it and we had paid so much for them. He told her, mam I think I need to give you some money back. She told him, we drove a long way and we are waiting in line and we are hungry and we didn't have time to stop on the way. While waiting in line a little later, he came and found my sister and said he still felt bad for charging us so much for this sandwich, could he give us a drink or something. We said no we are ok and he insisted to give us something. So we asked for a mocha coffee and he said done I will be right back. Wouldn't you know it, he came back with two mocha's for free.  Everyone in line were like, wow how did that happen?  We just got it like that! LOL  Gotta love my sis, you just never know what you may get into.

On one of the last few aisles we managed to get into the cookbook aisle. I picked up a few and glanced at them. By then my feet were aching some kind of bad so I just wanted to get it over with and didn't really get into the recipes.  I guess that was a blessing, like I said it would have been trouble. This recipe was in a Gooseberry Patch cook book, I have no idea which one, but it looked yummy so I snapped a picture so I would have it. I am just now getting around to making it. My daughter loves it. We try to keep her away from red foods as she is allergic to some additive or preservative and the only way we can figure it out is by trial and error. She is scared to eat red foods. So this gives her something red to eat that I know she will be ok with.

I loved meeting Ree and I could have talked with her all day. I told her I also blog and she said "isn't it fun?"  Yes it is!

Watermelon Lemonade

4 Cups Watermelon chopped
1 Cup sugar
1 1/2 cup lemon juice
6 Cups of cold water
lemon slices, optional

Place watermelon in blender and process until smooth, set aside. In a large pitcher combine sugar and lemon juice and stir until sugar is dissolved. Stir in water, add watermelon and mix well. Serve very cold, stir well before serving. Makes 8-10 servings  *I added lemon slices

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Weekend Potluck @ The Country Cook


  1. That was such a fun trip, even through the pain of standing in-line for 6 hours!!! I'll have to try this watermelon lemonade! (could've done without posting my pic though, LOL!) love ya!

    1. It was very exhausting but so worth it! Glad we had this adventure together, luv ya!

  2. Lovely summer recipe. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for visiting, home you get to try this soon. Its really refreshing!

    2. that should say hope you get to try this soon!


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