Shake Up Your Summer with Eat Smart

This post was sponsored by Eat Smart as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. #EatSmartEatClean, #IC

Eating clean has been something my husband and I have been trying to work towards since his heart attack 3 years ago. I can't say it has been easy but it has been interesting at times. 

Over the winter we just kind of let our hair down so to speak and got a little too laid back on the clean eating. And boy could we tell it. So now we are back on track and making some positive changes that I hope will stick with us for the long run.  

One of those changes is adding in more fruits and veggies into our diet. I am more of a veggie and side dish girl so I am all over it. But I don't always plan so I need something at my fingertips to make sure I make the best choices.  Eat Smart has made it super easy by offering clean salad kits. Chef-inspired salad kits have blends of six or more superfoods and are perfect for options for busy families like ours. They have easy-to-understand labels with recognizable ingredients that you  can feel good about. 

Sweet Kale, Strawberry Harvest, and Sunflower Kale all currently contain a 100% Clean Label. They contain no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Everything you need for the salad is right in the bag. This makes it super easy to have a salad as a side with dinner or make it your meal by adding in a little protein like some grilled chicken. 

My biggest hurdle is eating on the go. When I don't plan ahead it leads to big trouble for me. My hunger gets the best of me and I am more prone to hit that drive thru!  These Salad Shake Ups have been a life saver!  They have a unique lockable lid for easy mixing and a sturdy and deep bowl. I can just throw these in the cooler to take with us wherever we go. The pool, the beach, shopping, or just to have in the fridge for lunch. No need for extra dishes or salad dressings because it is ALL right there. Just open it up, dump in your extras, drizzle the salad dressing, and pop the lid on and shake, shake, shake. They come in 3 great salad combinations. The Avocado Ranch(a blend of cabbages, vegetables, crispy toppings and a creamy avocado ranch dressing) Tropical Lime (vegetables and dried fruits with a creamy coconut lime chili dressing) and Raspberry Acai (a variety of vegetables, dried fruits, and seeds with a tangy raspberry acai dressing) I can't pick a favorite because I loved them all!

Eat Smart's monthly e-newsletter is packed with all kinds of good stuff you do not want to miss! Make sure you sign up today! 

With the positive changes we have made in our diet and exercise routine, my husband and I both are seeing results in the way we feel and in our energy. Plus, we have lost a combined total of 30+ lbs. Thank goodness for salads like these from Eat Smart. They sure do make clean eating a breeze.

So how are you shaking up your summer? 


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