Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

My daughter is graduating from preschool on Friday.  It is so hard to believe my baby will be going to kindergarten in the fall.  The preschool teacher has a party at the end of every year and all of the summer birthday kids have a party together.  My sister and I were asked to make a yummy dessert since our kids have summer birthdays.  I chose these cupcakes because I thought they were fun.  Just a regular ole cupcake would not have been good enough, at least not for me, I tend to do things the hard way.   The kids were so cute eating them and some actually were calling it ice cream.  Most just licked off the icing and said they were done.  Either way I think they were a hit.  These are so simple to do.  I have few pictures because my sister and I were doing these with three kids running around and it was getting late, so no time for a bunch of pictures.  Lets get to the recipe.....

What you will need...
Box of cake mix(any flavor), ice cream cones, icing, sprinkles, and muffin tins.

Mix the cake mix according to package directions( I used yellow cake mix)

Fill the ice cream cones 3/4 full with cake mix and bake according to directions for cupcakes.   Allow to cool and pipe or spread icing on top and add sprinkles.  This not only is good but fun to eat. 

Served Up With Love!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Cake mix (any flavor)
Ice Cream Cones

Mix cake mix according to package directions. Pour cake mix into ice cream cones 3/4 full and bake according to directions on package for cupcakes. Allow to cool and add icing and sprinkles. 

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  1. I've never made these before but have always liked the idea of them. They would be perfect for my kids' day care class this summer. Thanks for sharing on A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday!

  2. Thanks Kim, they are really easy to do!

  3. I've always wanted to make these, but for some reason haven't. So cute!

  4. They would be my description of happiness :) They are just lovely!

  5. Love your blog...this is my first time checking it out - Great job!! Love these cupcake cones!! You can bet I'll be making them for the next event at Ty's school. Thanks for sharing!

  6. These are really easy to do! I hope you all get to try them. Stacy I am so glad you checked out my blog and liked it. I enjoy reading all the comments and it makes it all worth while. Kids of all ages love these!

  7. I love these! My mom used to make the when I was a kid! Please share your recipe with our readers by linking it up at Muffin (and Cupcake) Monday. Thanks!

  8. Thanks so much for linking up at Muffin (and Cupcake) Monday!

  9. Yummy! these look delicious and cute! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

  10. I have made these myself, for many birthday parties. :)

  11. Kathryn thanks for the invite, Nikki thanks for following me, Im now following you. Lark they are super simple arent they. Thanks for visiting!!


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