DIY Microwave Popcorn

One evening my son and I decided to get a pay per view movie after my daughter went to bed.  We try to do this every so often to spend some Mom and son time together.  You can't watch a movie without a snack, and what better snack than popcorn.  This was so good and easy to do. 

(popcorn, popcorn oil, paper bag)

Place 1/4 cup of popcorn in a brown paper bag, add about a tablespoon of oil (if you don't have popcorn oil, regular vegetable oil works just fine) Shake this up and fold over the bag a couple of times tightly.  Place in the microwave for a couple minutes. I use the popcorn setting on my microwave and listen for a few seconds in between pops, that is when I know its done.  Pour in a bowl and add your favorite topping's. This is so much cheaper than the microwave popcorn bags you purchase and
so much better for you because you can control what goes on it.  We will for sure make this again. 

Served Up With Love!

DIY Microwave Popcorn

1/4 cup popcorn
1 tablespoon oil
brown paper bag
popcorn seasoning of your choice

Place 1/4 cup popcorn and about a tablespoon of oil in a brown paper bag.  Fold over a couple times tightly and place in microwave for a couple minutes.  Listen for the pops, once they are a few seconds apart its done. Enjoy!


One of the perks of writing a food blog is all of the great people you get to meet who have similar interests as you.  Michelle at Ms. enPlace was one of my first followers.  What a sweetheart she is to pass along these beaucoup awards to me.  She passed them along to me as well as 9 other bloggers. My very first award as a blogger and I cannot express my gratitude to Michelle for thinking of me.  I wanted to start my blog over a year ago and finally got the nerve to take that leap.  I have enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait to share so much more with all of you. 

Please take a moment to stop by her blog and check out all her yummy recipes.  You will not be disappointed.  Her love of her heritage and culture show in her recipes- a dash of Cajun, a sprinkle of Creole, a pinch of Yat, and a drop of the American South. Many thanks Michelle!

the "rules" are that I pass these awards on to 10 bloggers I recently discovered.  I was so hard to only pick 10. There are so many I enjoy so much.  Without further ado,

Cooking with Libby
My Catholic Kitchen
A Well Seasoned Life
And Then I Ate It!
The Southern Lady Cooks
Honey, the Waters on Fire
The Country Cook
Simple Fare, Fairly Simple
Flour Me with Love

Check them out, you will not be sorry!

Shared at:
Larks Country Heart-Made it on Monday
A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned-Foodie Week


  1. Thank you so much for the lovely awards, they are greatly appreciated :) I'm so happy to have found a new "foodie" friend!

  2. Love the technique. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh thank you so much Michelle for the wonderful awards. I like you took a leap of faith and started a food blog. It has truly been awesome meeting people like you. I have been looking for a popcorn recipe. Thanks!

  4. I'm definitely giving this microwave method a try!

    Congratulations on being chosen for these awards! I can imagine why you were chosen...I am always excited to see a new post from you, 'cause I know it's going to be something good! (recipe & words)

    Thank you for kindly passing the honor to me :)

  5. First of all, love the DIY popcorn. That is so cool and we always have those brown lunch bags at our house. Great idea! Congrats on all your awards - so awesome!
    Thank you for sharing the love. I really appreciate it - I'm so honored!

  6. What a great idea! Like you said, this is a good way to control what goes in. Love that.

    And thanks for your sweet comments. I'm glad you "took the leap" and started blogging. Here's to lots more blogging for you!

  7. I keep those brown bags, too, and will try this popcorn as well. Thank you so much for the award. I am honored that you picked me. You have a great blog.

  8. looks utterly your idea..
    first time here..very interesting space you have..lovely recipe collection..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..

    Tasty Appetite

  9. Nice ...I can never have enough popcorn!
    Thanks for linking it up to Made it on Monday!

  10. I have to admit I have been enjoying this popcorn for the last 2 evenings, Much cheaper than store bought microwave popcorn. Thanks for all the wonderful comments.

  11. We hadn't quite gotten the amounts right on ours yet, gonna try yours now!!! Thanks!!!


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