Crockpot Barbecue Chicken

I have to admit that my crockpot is my best friend.  I wish I could get myself more organized to use it everyday.  My life seems so much simpler when I use it.  The dog days of summer are here in Virginia and it is not even summer yet!!  School is not even out yet, they have a full week left of school which means exams, concerts, and awards assemblies.  I feel like I have been running the roads every evening for something school related.  I think I will be just as excited when school lets out as my son. 

This chicken recipe is so easy and is a family favorite.  This is very versatile to make with any cut of chicken.  If you like thighs better, than use them instead!  Chicken breasts to me seem to dry out in the crockpot, so I am not a huge fan of just using breast meat, but that is what I had on hand.  I shredded the leftovers up and had a barbecue chicken sandwich for dinner the next night. 

Place the desired chicken pieces in the crockpot.  Season with salt, pepper, or any seasonings you prefer and a little onion if you like.  Pour a bottle of barbecue sauce over the chicken.  Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or high for 4 hours.  I have a tendency to forget to defrost so these were completely frozen when I put them in.

My best piece of advice to give you is to spray the crockpot with non stick cooking spray or use a slow cooker liner before placing the food in.  Makes clean up so much easier.  Also, fill your crockpot at least 3/4 full so that it cooks properly.  Otherwise you will overcook your meat. I really hope you get to try this soon. 

Served Up With Love!

Crockpot Barbecue Chicken

4 - 5 chicken breasts (or desired chicken pieces)
1 bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce
seasonings of your choice

Place chicken pieces in crockpot, season and pour barbecue sauce over chicken. Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or high for 4 hours.  Enjoy!

I want to thank everyone for reading my blog, I am overwhelmed by all the support.  I am having so much fun and I am so glad I am able to share my love of food with all of you.  Thank you for your continued support. Happy Cooking!

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This Chick Cooks
Larks Country Heart Made it on Monday


  1. With this heat, I'm definitely whipping out the crock pot and making this recipe! I'm doing my best to not turn on my oven :)

    Blogging is so rewarding, keep up the good work!

  2. I found you through the blog hop! This recipe looks very simple and delicious:)

  3. Ti ho trovata per caso, ti voglio fare i miei più sinceri complimenti per la qualità del tuo blog, delle tue ricette e di tutti i contenuti interessanti.
    Mi sono aggiunta ai tuo ilettori fissi, cosi non ti perdo di vista...
    Se ti va, passa da me, sei la benvenuta.
    a presto

  4. The crock pot certainly can make a difference.

    Glad, I landed here. I like your blog.

  5. I love my crockpot and can't wait to give this a try. I just found your blog and am a new follower.

    I'd love for you to stop by my table and even link up to my Thursday carnival.

    Around My Family Table

  6. Slow cookers are the best especially for summer. I just tried making dessert in mine for the first time a few weeks ago. I'd love for you to come by and show off your recipe at These Chicks Cooked Recipe Spotlight today. Have a blessed day :)

  7. Hi, Melissa! I'm visiting from basilmomma's blog hop. Thanks for the reminder to get out the crock pot -- things are heating up here in Oklahoma, too. :) Glad you made time for yourself at last (not an easy thing to do with two kids) -- keep up the good writing!
    ~ Kim (aka okielicious)

  8. Very good writing !!! I will be following you, great recipes....I have a love for cooking and passed it down to my daughter. She claims to be the next Gordon lol . Shes already very good at 13......maybe she will be !


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