Mile High Lemonade Pie and A Tribute

I want to pay tribute to my very first best friend ever, Katrina Bryant.  You see she was taken from us way to early and I have not been the same since.  I have a special place in my heart for her and I was blessed to have her part of my life.  Her great grandmother lived beside us and we met when she came down to visit.  We were 3 or 4 years old at the time we first met and became friends after that. She would visit her Nana quite often through the years.  I remember the summers the most.  We would be outside all day long playing and would not come in until it was dark.  That is of course after we caught lightning bugs! Back in those days we found things to entertain us because we had no choice.  There were only cartoons on Saturday morning, Friday night videos, and no video games unless you were lucky to have Atari. We rode bikes, played games, just did whatever we could do.  One of the things we used to do every so often was set up a lemonade stand.  We would set it up by the road and wait patiently for whoever would come. Most of the time we drank it all and moved on to something else. Boy did we have fun.  I have many fond memories of my days with her.  Trina was one of a kind, she always had a smile on her face and a laugh in her heart.  If there was anything you ever needed she would be right there.  I currently live in the same neighborhood that I grew up on, I am so glad I am raising my kids here.  They will never know what fun we had but at least I can give them a little piece of it. 
Katrina's Junior Prom Picture

The day I heard of her passing was one of the hardest days of my life.  I could not believe she was gone.  I thought of all the things I wanted to say but it was too late.  I know in my heart she knew what she meant to me.  Lesson learned, tell the ones you love how much they mean to you, one day you may be too late.

Katrina with her mom and brother Patrick!

A few months ago I started to think an awful lot about her and her mother, Debbie.  I think of them often but this was a little different, almost scary.  Debbie crossed my mind all day long everyday for about two weeks or so.  I also felt that something (or someone) was waking me up at night.  One day I happened to be on facebook and I saw a couple of people send her a message that they were praying and thinking about her.  I immediately sent her a message and was frantically wondering what was wrong.  She did not immediately answer.  Well it turns out she had to have open heart surgery.  Once I found that out and I knew she was ok the nagging feeling subsided. I know this may sound crazy to some but I do think Trina was trying to reach out to me because of her mom. 

The month of June brings her birthday, I have always remembered her special day.  I wanted to honor her and let the whole world know what a special person she was.  My life would not have been the same without her in it, even if she was taken from us early I know she is one of God's angels watching over us. Happy Birthday Trina!

This pie I saw on  Southern Bite just the other day. I had been struggling with what that special recipe was going to be for this post.  Immediately I knew that this was the one! This pie was so simple to throw together.  Would be a great addition to a potluck or cookout this summer.  I hope you get to try this recipe soon. 

Served Up With Love!

Mile High Lemonade Pie
  • 24 oz Cool Whip (3 – 8oz containers)
  • 2 – 14oz cans sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 -12oz can frozen lemonade concentrate (or limeade)
  • 2 graham crackers crusts
NOTE: This recipe can be divided in half quite successfully if you’re looking to do only one pie.
  1. In a large bowl, stir sweetened condensed milk into Cool Whip. (Do this by hand, DO NOT use a mixer – an electric mixer can cause the Cool Whip to fall which will result in a dense or even runny pie.)
  2. Next, fold in lemonade concentrate.
  3. Divide between two pie crusts and chill for at least 3 hours. 

Happy Birthday Katrina, we all miss you!  Until we meet again........


  1. Your tribute for Katrina is beautiful. And, so is the pie. I love lemonade pie especially in the summertime. Thanks so much for sharing your special tribute and recipe on A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  2. Such a wonderful and beautiful tribute...What a wonderful friend to have had...I'm sorry for your loss but, happy that you have such special memories.

    The pie looks so good! I'll be trying it soon :)

  3. Katrina sounds like a wonderful friend. I'm sorry she was around for such a short time.

  4. This is a beautiful tribute I can see Trina smiling down on you with that wide grin:) Reading this brought back lots of old memories of Trina,Debbie and Patrick! Thank You

  5. Thank you all for reading and commenting, Jerri Lynn she always had a smile on her face, and her laugh I can still hear it. She was a treasure to so many and is greatly missed. Thank you!

  6. Katrina sounds a lovely friend and you has made a lovely tribute to her!Thanks for sharing! gloria

  7. A very touching tribute and a lovely pie.

  8. What a great tribute to your friend. The pie looks so good, too. Thanks for coming by and leaving such a great comment.

  9. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend.

    I am glad you think of her often and are sharing this memory with all of us at Made it on Monday!

  10. such a beautiful tribute!! Great to find your blog through Basilmomma. :)

  11. Hello Melissa! I found you through Basilmomma's Blog Hop. What a great tribute to your friend. I'm lovin' your lemonade pie recipe too.
    Have a great day! Sherri

  12. An award for you...

  13. A lovely tribute.

    I am saving this recipe..sounds wonderful.
    xo bj
    o, and am signing up to follow..

  14. Wow, what a great friend you are! I'm sure Trina knew that, too. I remember this pie from MY childhood. A neighbor's cousins were visiting from Tennessee and they made this pie. It was SOOO good and so easy! Thanks for the memories.

  15. Check it out--your lemonade pie was featured at Little Brick Ranch's Foodie Friday!!

  16. Such a beautiful tribute to your childhood friend!
    I'm so sorry for your loss!
    Your lemonade pie is a slice of "heaven"...where Katrina is, now.
    I clicked over to you from LBR...and love this easy and yummy pie, and it's so pretty, as well!
    Take care, and God Bless!

  17. What a dear friend she was to you and you to her! Your words are Beautiful Tribute to your Precious Friend.

    A perfect, and delicious, recipe to share. I will think of your friendship each time I eat Mile High Lemonade Pie.

    Thank you for sharing the special bond you had with your Dear, Sweet Friend. ~hugs~

  18. Thanks for sharing at my church supper :)

  19. What a lovely tribute, thank you for sharing your story with us<3, it really touched me. I will think of you and your friend every time I see a lemon pie<3

  20. Oh we are so glad you dropped by Our Country Pot Luck! We will be hosting this link party every other week, so we would love for y'all to come join in often!

    ~Lark, Libby and Marsha

  21. Thank you for sharing this story and recipe tribute to your friend Trina. May you always carry your precious memories close to your heart. Trina will always be there.

  22. Such a beautiful tribute to a precious friend of your heart. Delicious recipe too - love the ease and know it's gotta be amazing to eat. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck - please come again soon.

  23. That pie brings back memories ,I use to do a frozen lemonade pie for my uncle, he was a carpenter and worked in Louisiana,when he would get home from work, I would have it ready for him.And he thought it was the best pie in the world.Still miss him after 25 yrs.Thanks for sharing this.And yes, playing outside with friends till the street lights came on, was a wonderful life.

  24. That was a beautiful post and a tribute for your friend. The pie looks delicious!


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