Lemon Dream

Did I mention I love anything lemon?  I know I did, I think I may need help! I have a Pinterest board that is All Things Lemon.  That is just how bad I got it. I came across this recipe from Joyful Homemaking and I knew I had to make it. Did I mention this is frozen and only two ingredients?  What could be better.
Super simple which is how I like it.

Life has been crazy, which seems to be the norm now. It is August already, where has the summer gone? For me it has been either at work or at home. That is really sad when you think about it. I had all these ideas of what we were going to do this summer. We have done none of them. I feel like life is flying by and I am just watching it. I feel like I am moving in slow motion and the world is on fast forward. Now we are seeing back to school commercials and they will be back in school next month. I am so not ready for that, things are for sure more laid back in the summer.  I am thankful that my daughter is with my sister during the day and is able to go swimming in the pool. She is turning into a little fish I tell you. At the beginning of the summer she was a little scared but now look out, she is jumping in without a second thought.

Just tonight, instead of logging on the computer and checking out my blog stats, I played board games with my daughter. She beat me twice at Memory and Chutes and Ladders. The smile on her face was so worth my time to sit with her and give her some undivided attention. In fact, my son heard us laughing and decided to join in with our arm wrestling. I have not laughed that hard in quite a while. Made my bad day disappear completely. We often take for granted our many blessings we have in front of us.  Thank you God for helping me to realize I needed that special time with my kids. Just so you know, I let her win in arm wrestling too but she really did beat me in the other games. I hate to lose too!

This is super simple and can totally be changed up to whatever flavor you choose. Take a 16 oz container of whipped topping and stir really well with a small box of jello. I just so happened to have sugar free. Mix this well and place in a container with a lid in the freezer for a few hours. Scoop it out and serve. See how simple this is. You really could not tell this was sugar free in my opinion. This is great as I can have some of this on hand when I need a little "sweet treat" and not feel guilty eating it. As long as I think it is sweet I am satisfied.

Lemon Dream

16 oz container of whipped topping
small box of jello gelatin, your choice

Mix the whipped topping with jello well and place in a container and freeze for a few hours. Scoop out and enjoy. Enjoy!!


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