Gooseberry Patch The Harvest Table Cookbook Review and Giveaway

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. The cool crisp air, the fall festivals, the colors, and all the yummy treats to make in the kitchen. After my Grandmother was placed in a nursing home due to illness I spent a lot of time with my Popa. I remember one time he took me to an orchard and we picked apples. It may not have even been an orchard but just a friend who had apple trees but I remember the excitement and the fun I had. I do not remember what we did with all the apples, just that slight memory that I carry in my heart of our special day. Yep, fall would be my favorite time of year!

I am so thrilled to be able to review The Harvest Table for Gooseberry Patch. I have been a fan of Gooseberry Patch for many years. I love the fact that the recipes they share are from home cooks just like me. Tried and true recipes with many handed down for generations. I read cookbooks like novels and I enjoy all the little tidbits of wisdom that is given throughout the book on the bottom of almost every page.

"Serving soup to little eaters? Cut out Jack-o'-Lantern faces from cheese slices. After spooning soup into bowls, top servings with the cut-out shapes. How fun!" page 52

The Harvest Table has six yummy chapters:
Hearty Autumn Brunch, Soup Supper with Friends, Simple Harvest Supper, Thanksgiving with All the Trimmings, Festive Fall Flavors, and Save Room for Dessert. 

I will admit I wanted to try every recipe but my first recipe I tried was the Glazed Apple Cookies.
These little gems were the perfect taste of fall, little bits of apple with plump raisins throughout. I would recommend these to be small as they are more like a cake cookie and the bigger you make them the more they fall apart. I decided to share these with my family when I made them. I took these cookies and placed them in a disposable plastic clear cup, stacked them six deep, added a clear cellophane treat bag and a ribbon and they were the perfect little gift. When I delivered to my sister, her family was enjoying a fire in the backyard. Perfect fall treat on a cool night.

Glazed Apple Cookies

1 Cup Raisins
1 1/2 Cup Shortening
1 1/3 Cup Brown Sugar, packed
1 egg, beaten
2 Cups All Purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 Cup milk
1 Cup chopped walnuts
1 Cup apples, peeled, cored, and finely chopped.

Place raisins in a microwave safe dish; add water to cover. Microwave on high for 4 to 5 minutes, until raisins are soft and plump. Drain well; set aside. In a separate bowl, blend flour, baking soda, and salt. Add half of flour mixture to shortening mixture. Blend in milk and remaining flour mixture; fold in raisins, walnuts and apples. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheets. 2 inches apart. Bake at 400 degrees for 9 - 10 minutes. Drizzle warm cookies with glaze. Makes 2 dozen.


1 1/2 Cup powdered sugar
2 1/2 teaspoon milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon butter, melted
1/8 teaspoon salt

Stir together all ingredients in a bowl.

The Oh So Good Crispy Chicken was the next recipe I tried. This was the perfect Sunday dinner at our house. The butter kept this chicken really moist and the parmesan cheese with the bread crumbs gave this an outstanding flavor without a lot of work. Simple throw together meal, which is what I like. This will for sure make it's way onto our dinner table for years to come.

Oh So Good Crispy Chicken

1/4 Cup Margarine
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 Cup grated parmesan cheese
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 Cup Italian flavored dry bread crumbs

Melt margarine in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir in garlic power and Parmesan cheese. Dip chicken in margarine mixture; arrange in an ungreased 9 x 9 baking pan. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for one to 1 1/2 hours, until golden and chicken juices run clear when pierced. Makes 4 servings.

Thank you Gooseberry Patch for allowing me to review The Harvest Table.  I have really enjoyed this cookbook. Gooseberry Patch also gave me an extra copy just for you. You really need this cookbook and you have five chances to win!

Giveaway details...

1. Mandatory...Post a comment telling us what your favorite fall memory is here in the comment section.

2. Like Served Up With Love on Facebook, come back here and tell me you did. Already a follower, that works too, comment that you already are.

3.Like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook come back here and tell me you did, already a fan, just comment  that you already are.

4. Follow Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends, come back and leave a comment, already a follower, just comment that you are already.

5. Share this giveaway on your facebook page, come back and let me know you did.

The winner will be chosen on October 17th and notified by email, so please leave your email address so I can contact you. If the winner has not responded in 24 hours, I will pick a new winner.

Please check out Gooseberry Patch's website for a complete list of cookbooks available, including The Harvest Table. Follow Gooseberry Patch's blog for Recipe Round Up, Featured Fridays, goodies, freebies and so much more!




  1. My favorite fall memories and still do it is going to check out the autumn colours...

  2. I will be sharing this on my page

  3. My favorite fall memory is when I was a kid. The colors of the leaves that change and fall along with all the acorns, every year my mom & I would create a crafty wreath with the leaves and acorns, then add little things to make the wreath beautiful. It was so fun. Now I have my kids help carry on the same tradition.

  4. I follow you on facebook, follow gooseberry patch and circle of friends and I have shared this on my page!!! Thanks!

  5. My favorite fall memory is the colorful leaves. Piling them in a pile & jumping in or running through them.
    Myrtle Ambrose

  6. My favorite fall memory is being in Colorado and hearing the bull elks bugling. I have never heard anything like that before.

  7. My favorite fall memory is from September 2004 b/c that's when my son was born. I remember being home with this magnificent new baby watching the seasons change and being so thankful.

  8. I follow Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends.

  9. I follow Gooseberry on Facebook too.

  10. Favorite Fall memory is from being a kid and with my sisters raking the leaves into a pile and jumping into them! Over and over again!

  11. already follow you on facebook

  12. Going to the college football games and the tailgaters before and after the game.

  13. My favorite fall memory is Friday night football and hot chocolate!

  14. I'm already a follower of your page.

  15. I'm now following goosberry patch on FB

  16. My favorite Fall memory is having pumpkin carving parties, in our church basement, when I was little. Then we would roast all the seeds, to bring home to our families.

  17. I'm a GP cirlce of friends follower

  18. I shared your giveaway on my FB page

  19. My favorite fall memory is going to the mountains to see all the beautiful autumn colors on the trees. As I grew up I realized we didn't have to leave the Northern Neck to see all the beauty because God has provided for everyone to see right where they are. I also loved to rake up all those dropped leaves in a pile and then just jump right in. After all that fun then go inside to a nice home cooked meal with some good apple cider.

  20. My favorite fall memory was as a child and teen raking up the cut hay. We had an old iron hay rake that attached to the back of the tractor. My aunt and uncle would come help and while my uncle steered the tractor, my dad would somehow perch on the hay rake to add weight. The ladies would take a few pictures with my brownie camera, fish, and take more pictures of the colorful trees reflected in the lake. When we were all bone tired, we'd go inside and have chicken and dumplings that had been simmering in the oven while we were working. My grama would keep that cooking! We'd all shower then eat!

  21. My first fall and best memory, the year I moved to the East Coast from the West Coast, I had never experienced a real "fall" day, apple and pumpkin picking, the crystal clear day, breeze blowing off the ocean, love the scent of leaves, crunching apples, perfect fall day.

  22. I am following Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends

  23. I shared your page so all my friends can do the same!

  24. I already followed GP on Facebook, I am following you and also signed up for Circle of Friends via email! Yea. I'll be so busy gathering new recipes that i won't have time to cook!!! And I pinned (just learned how) some of Served up With Love recipes1!!! Yum! Cant wait to try!

  25. I love fall and the anticipation of the harvest. The color of the leaves on the trees and the body warming food we prepare. I'd love to win this Gooseberry Patch cookbook so I could enjoy the great recipes you have shared.

  26. Lisa Berscheid LefebvreTuesday, October 09, 2012

    favorite fall memories...gathering with friends at the Scout hall to clear brush and trim trees, pile wood before snowfall so we are prepared for winter camping
    Lisa Berscheid Lefebvre

  27. Lisa Berscheid LefebvreTuesday, October 09, 2012

    I "liked" Served Up With Love on FB

  28. Lisa Berscheid LefebvreTuesday, October 09, 2012

    I "liked" Gooseberry Patch on FB

  29. Lisa Berscheid LefebvreTuesday, October 09, 2012

    going to go share this on my FB page now :-D
    Good luck everyone!!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. liked Gooseberry patch on fb


  32. the smell of pumpkin pie always brings back memories

  33. I love fall, for me it is the smell in the air and the crisp fresh air.
    I already follow you on FB, I follow Gooseberry patch, follow the circle of friends too. And also shared on fb.

  34. I will have to try this recipe for the cookies

  35. My best memory is going to a cider mill and eating fresh cinnamon sugar donuts with fresh apple cider. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  36. I am a facebook fan of yours. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  37. I am a gooseberry patch follower. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  38. I am a Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends member. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    Andrea D.

  39. I follow you on Facebook

  40. I LIKE Gosseberry Patch on Facebook:)

  41. My favorite fall memory is decorating te house for Halloween and carving pumpkins. And the Monster Mash ALWAYS has to be playing

  42. I follow Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends

  43. Kristy said... My favorite fall memory is cooking with my momma. She comes over every Thanksgiving and we cook all day

  44. Kristy said-I already follow your post

  45. Kristy said- I follow Gooseberry

  46. Kristy said- I shared your photo

  47. I love going to amusement parks in the fall for the festivals and cool riding.

    2u3mommy at gmail dot com

  48. I follow GooseBerry Patch and love their books...I also liked and shared your page and can't wwait to try some of your recipes! They look yummy :) I would LOVE to win a cookbook!! Love baking and being in the kitchen...especially with a family of 6 kids plus! :) Thanks so much!

  49. my favourite fall memory is walking threw the woods and looking at all the fall leaves

  50. Liked Served Up With Love on Facebook
    angela m

  51. already Liked Gooseberry Patch on Facebook
    angela m

  52. already Following Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends

  53. shared on facebook

  54. My favorite memory of fall is walking in the woods with my mother and gathering beautiful leaves and pinecones for all our holiday decorating. For Thanksgiving holidays and into the Christmas holidays we made our own beautiful decorations every year.

  55. Hey I have like loved shared joined followed everywhere possible

  56. My favorite fall memory is getting off the school bus in the afternoon and listening to the leaves crunch under my feet as I walked down our long driveway in the brisk fall air.

    I liked you on Facebook.

    And I am already a follower of Gooseberry Patch on Facebook.


  57. My favorite autumn memory came while I (almost) silently waited for my best friend to propose. Finally, on Halloween we went for a walk around the lake near my house. It was one of those Halloween nights where the air, the fallen leaves, the colors and our pace was crisp and our breaths ran before us. As we stomped into a harvested cornfield and the sun began to set, making everything golden, my Mateo asked me to be his wife. Autumn is full of reasons to be thankful - harvest, family, food, beauty, and for me, a beginning to the adventure that is marriage.

    Also, I liked your facebook page and I Do like it!

  58. Liked Served Up With Love on Facebook

  59. One of my favorite fall likes is when the folks in our are with wood heating stoves start them up. I love going outside, and smelling the wood smoke...I always know that fall is here when I smell the wood smoke.

    I just found your blog, and I love it...lots of good stuff!!


  60. My favorite fall time memory bon fires and marshmellows

  61. LIKE ON FACEBOOK. I LOVE ALL THE GOOSEBERRY COOKBOOKS :) I enjoy the cents of fall, cinnamon, pumpkin, apples :)

  62. I already follow gooseberry patch on FB

  63. I like you on Facebook. love the scents of fall

  64. I follow Gooseberry Patch on FB! :)

  65. My favorite fall memories are to the little town of Nashville, In looking at the changing leaves and walking around town taking in the fresh hot apple cider and all the little shops. This makes for a great day

  66. I am a Gooseberry Circle of Friends member.

  67. I belong to Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends! :)

  68. I already follow you on face book

  69. My All time favorite thing to do in Fall time is sit on my porch in my rocking chair with a nice cup of Hot Chocolate, listening to the leaves blow in the wind. Watching the leaves fall to the ground is so relaxing!

    *Great giveaway Melissa! ;)

  70. I already follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  71. I follow Gooseberry circle of friends on facebook

  72. I have shared on my page

  73. I love anything about cooking and I love Gooseberry Patch !

  74. Tammy, thefourepps@windstream.netThursday, October 11, 2012

    My favorite fall memory is going apple picking and coming home to make apple butter with my mom.

    I follow you on face book!

    I follow gooseberry on facebook!

  75. Favorite Fall memory is raking the leaves into a pile then burning them. The smell is like no other. And we would wait until they burned down to smouldering and toast marshmallows by it. Yummy!!
    Am A blog and facebook follower also.

  76. I follow on facebook,like gooseberry patch, follow the blog and have shared the page.

  77. My favorite fall memory is sitting in the barn loft with my Papaw using a hand cranked corn sheller shelling corn for his mules.

  78. I now like Served Up With Love.

    I already liked Gooseberry Patch.

    I shared this giveaway on Facebook.

  79. I like and follow and subscribe to Gooseberry Patch on face book. The same for Served up with Love. I also follow Gosseberry patch circle of friends.

  80. Have also shared the link on Face book and my e-mail is .Along with liking following and subscribing to Gooseberry Patch and Served Up With Live. I have subscribed and receive Served up With Love notices. And Follow and like Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends.

  81. I like and follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook and Pinterest and you as well. I have to say my favorite memory for Fall is when my girls were very small. It was a tradition to take them to the Pumpkin Patch on this small family run farm. Hay rides, bluegrass music and lots of pumpkins to pick from. I miss doing this with my girls now that they have grown up. But we have tons of pictures from those fun days

  82. I have shared the giveaway and also am a part of the Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friends. I follow Served Up With Love on Facebook and Pinterest and also follow Goosebeery patch on Facebook and Pinterest too

  83. Favorite fall memory is going to the pumpkin patch and then coming home and carving out the jack-o-lantern faces!

  84. Follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  85. My favorite fall memory is playing in the leaves

  86. I follow Gooseberry patch on facebook

  87. I follow Gooseberry patch circle of friends

  88. I like Served Up with Love on facebook

  89. My favorite fall memory? Is one of my father and myself raking the leaves and then him patiently letting me jump in them and then he would have to rake them up again. And then the smell of them burning at edge of yard. (yes, we could burn way back then lol) And I follow you on Facebook and in emails.

  90. I love creating fall memories with my children. The pumpkin patch, apples, and fall baking are what we love most!

  91. Now that I am older I love going with friends with children to the pumpkin patch and hay maze.

  92. I am a fan of Gooseberry Patch on facebook.

  93. I follow Gooseberry Patch Circle of Frientd.

  94. My favorite fall memory is going apple picking with my kids.

  95. I like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  96. I have liked Gooseberry Patch and belonged to Circle of friends for a long time. I liked your blog on FB. My favorite fall memory was taking my two sons to Granville Orchard and how cute they were as they listed to a story of johnny appleseed.
    I did everything in your list and would love to win a cookbook.

  97. Picking out pumpkins when my kids were younger then decorating them! They were always so excited!

  98. Favorite Fall Memory .... I always enjoy going to our County Fair with my family !!! Such a fun way to start the Autumn Season !!!

  99. I like Served up with love on FB !!

  100. I like GP on FB

  101. I follow FP Circle of Friends !!!

  102. My favorite fall holiday is back in.Schwabisch Gmund Germany as a second grader. My mom woke 3 am and I remember laying in my bed, warm.and snug listening to clanking and the smells of pumpkin and baking yeast rolls. She even dressed the turkey with white paper socks.Christmas music playing, but the absolute best was my dad's soldiers coming over, one by one, and their faces as they saw the table. I think that is what makes the Fall so special to me. Ingredient : love.

  103. I was already a follower :) and I shared on my page!

  104. My email is

  105. I am part of Circle of Friends!

  106. I love your post, blog, and recipes. I love reading them on facebook. I am sharing your link to your cookbook. I absolutely LOVE recipes.

  107. Raking leaves as a kid is a fun fall memory because then we were able to jump in them. Now that I'm grown up we don't have leaves to rake cause our trees here don't loose their leaves til after the snow falls. my daughters have missed out on the fun.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  108. Gooseberry Patch FB fan already

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  109. Already Gooseberry Patch Circle of Friend follower thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  110. My favorite fall memory is raking up the leaves and jumping in them with my brother!

  111. Follow you on FB and also follow Gooseberry Patch!

  112. love gooseberry patch, i am addicted to collecting recipes

  113. just love gooseberry, i am addicted to collecting recipes


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