Pineapple Pound Cake

(Updated Photo)

The past week or so has been extremely busy for us around here.  On top of work being extremely busy and stressful for me, my son is also on the junior varsity soccer team.  Means practice every day and games a couple times a week. I hate to admit it but we have ate fast food way too many times here lately.  I am hoping to pull out my slow cooker and use it almost daily and get to where we are on a better schedule.  I have a few recipes up my sleeve but will have to do some digging for recipes that both kids will eat. 

I made this cake for Easter dinner and I made a slight mistake.  Because I was in a rush and my daughter was being a little difficult, I forgot to grease AND flour the pan.  This cake stuck and did not come out too pretty.  This is why you do not see as many pictures.  In my experience, the cakes that are not the prettiest usually turn out the best.  This one was no different, may not have been pretty but oh my, how good it was.  Next time I will for sure remember to grease and flour the pan. I hope you get to try this soon.

Let's get to the recipe.....

(flour, sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla, crushed pineapple, shortening, butter or margarine, baking powder)

Put 3/4 cup of undrained pineapple with its juice in a small bowl; set aside. Drain remaining pineapple and measure 1 cup of drained crushed pineapple; set aside.

Cream shortening, butter, and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Sift flour and baking powder together; add to creamed mixture, 1 large spoonful at a time, alternately with milk. Add vanilla; stir in 3/4 cup undrained pineapple with juice and blend well.

Pour batter into a well greased and floured 10-inch tube pan. Place in cold oven. Turn oven to 325° and bake for 1 1/2 hours, or until top springs back when touched lightly with finger. Let pineapple pound cake stand for few minutes in pan. Run knife around edges to loosen and remove pineapple cake carefully to a rack. Combine butter, confectioners' sugar, and about 1 cup drained pineapple. Pour pineapple sauce over cake while still hot.

Pineapple Pound Cake
1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple, undrained, divided
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
1 cup butter or margarine (2 sticks)
2 cups granulated sugar
6 large eggs
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar


Put 3/4 cup of undrained pineapple with its juice in a small bowl; set aside. Drain remaining pineapple and measure 1 cup of drained crushed pineapple; set aside. Cream shortening, butter, and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Sift flour and baking powder together; add to creamed mixture, 1 large spoonful at a time, alternately with milk. Add vanilla; stir in 3/4 cup undrained pineapple with juice and blend well. Pour batter into a well greased and floured 10-inch tube pan. Place in cold oven. Turn oven to 325° and bake for 1 1/2 hours, or until top springs back when touched lightly with finger. Let pineapple pound cake stand for few minutes in pan. Run knife around edges to loosen and remove pineapple cake carefully to a rack. Combine butter, confectioners' sugar, and about 1 cup drained pineapple. Pour pineapple sauce over cake while still hot.

This recipe has been linked up to
Mommys Kitchen
A Well Seasoned Life
Larks Country Heart
Cupcake Apothecary
Make Ahead Meals for Busy Moms
Make A Food E Friend Monday @ Saturday Evening Pot
This Chick Cooks
Recipe Round Up @ Gooseberry Patch
Weekend Potluck at The Country Cook
Foodie Friends Friday


  1. Mistake or not, this cake looks delicious!

  2. That looks yummy. I love pineapple in anything lol

  3. Oh, this looks so good. My husband loves pineapple so I know he would love this! Thanks for linking to A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday!


  4. Definitely ugly cakes are the tastiest! At least thats been my experience :-) This sounds great. I love anything with Pineapple in it.

  5. Hello! Just wanted to let you know that this recipe was the #1 recipe at my linky party last week. Plus, your apple cake tied for #3. Cool!! I've got the new party up and running. Please post a recipe if you have one! Kim

  6. Thanks for sharing! Sounds yummy! Something with pineapple other than the usual pineapple upside down cake. Great.

    Nancy B.

  7. This is so moist looking! Makes me want to make one right now!

    I am glad you shared it on Made it on Monday! :)

  8. Thanks everyone, I am so happy you all were able to check out this recipe. It is so good! Also thanks for allowing me to link up my recipes to share with so many other people on your blogs ladies.

  9. Gasp!! I love pineapple and I love pound cake, and I've never seen them combined! I can't wait to try this!!

  10. It's funny how we get distracted, miss a step and it still turns out pretty darn good. Great photos or not. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday.
    Your co host from Nosh My Way.

  11. Doesn't look like a mistake to me! Thanks for sharing with FFF!

  12. Do I need to melt the butter for the pineapple sauce?


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