Turkey Pot Pie

Today has been one of those lazy days.  Anyone that knows me knows I don't usually have lazy days.  This morning at 5 am my daughter woke me up to an upset tummy.  Both of my kids have allergies to foods or additives and they react the same way.  Their poor little bodies purge the bad stuff from their system and then they break out into hives.  When my son started this it took us a while to catch on and know what to do.  If we catch it early enough Benedryl will take care of it and it won't affect them nearly as hard.  The stomach flu is going around school right now so I was a little hesitant.  She was only sick a couple of times and I had given her Benedryl after the first time.  She didn't have anymore problems with it after that.  I am still unsure of what she had, my instincts tell me it was a reaction but in the back of my mind I am still being cautious just in case.  She laid around today and watched movies. She is normally a very, very active child and this was unlike her.  On the other hand school is really getting her down and she is tired and also has a little cold.  So I think all of this together really knocked her down. Time will only tell I guess.  Why did my poor children have to have this.  My son was tested and was not found to be allergic to anything.  The end result was that its a food additive or preservative and trial and error would determine what it is.  Luckily, he has pretty much grown out of it, which is what the doctors said they were hoping.  I haven't had my daughter tested yet.  We know that she does not do well with pepperonis and ketchup so we rule out all red foods for her.  We will be getting her in soon for an appointment but I fear I will be told the same as our son.  I was really hoping she would not have the same problems as our son, but at least I was keen enough to know the signs and react quickly. 

I had cooked a turkey a few weeks back and froze the leftover turkey to use later.  Since I realized this was going to be a lazy day I took it out to thaw.  I had just enough vegetables to make this and let me tell you it is so good and comforting today.  We all really enjoyed it.  I make chicken pot pie all the time but haven't made a turkey pot pie.  I did not make this any different than I would with chicken.  Good comforting food that feeds the heart and soul.  Can't get any better than that!

(potatoes, carrots, celery, cream of chicken soup, chicken broth, salt, pepper, biscuit mix)

Peel and dice potatoes, peel and slice carrots, chop celery, and place this all in a 9x13 casserole dish with the cut up turkey.  Pour one can of cream of chicken soup with about a can of water over your mixture.  Also add a can of chicken broth.  If you feel it needs more liquid add a little water.  You don't want this to dry out.  Season and cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes, or until your veggies are tender. When I make this with chicken I cut chicken breast raw and put it in this, it cooks along with the veggies.  Once the veggies are tender pull it out of the oven and place your biscuits on top.  Mine was a little soupier than I wanted so I added a little bit of instant mashed potato flakes to thicken.  Place back in the oven and cook until the biscuits are done. 

This recipe is very versatile.  You can use canned potatoes or carrots instead of fresh.  It tastes just the same.  If you have leftover chicken you could use that too.  You could even add in mixed veggies.  Raid your pantry and you may be surprised what you could throw together.  Some of my best dishes have come from what I thought was nothing to fix for dinner. 

Served Up With Love!

Turkey Pot Pie

Leftover turkey
8-10 medium sized potatoes
4 carrots
3 stalks of celery
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 can of chicken broth
biscuit mix or canned biscuits
salt and pepper or any other seasoning you prefer

Peel and dice the potatoes, peel and slice the carrots, dice the celery and add with the turkey into a 9x13 casserole dish.  Pour over 1 can of cream of chicken soup with one can of water and a can of chicken broth.  Season and cover with aluminum foil and cook in a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes or until veggies are tender. Remove from oven and place your biscuits on top and place back in the oven.  Cook until they are done. Enjoy.

Shared at:
Church Suppers @ Everyday Mom's Meals
Melt in Your Mouth Monday @ Make ahead Meals for Busy Moms


  1. Mmmm...perfect for a lazy fall day! Thanks for sharing at Church Supper! See you next week.

    Everyday Mom's Meals

  2. Poor little girl! Hope she is feeling better. This pot pie looks like a hug in a pan.

  3. I hope your baby is all better soon. This pot pie would definitely make me feel better :)

  4. Thanks ladies, she is all better....just an allergic reaction! This pot pie was to die for good. Even my son seem to enjoy it more that when I make it with chicken. Thanks for stopping by!


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