Cherry Brownie Trifle

What a crazy whirlwind we have been living in the past few weeks. I really feel like it has been years.  My sister's and I decided to give our Mom a great Mother's Day gift. The gift of our time working in her yard. While she went to work last Saturday evening we all got together. We had all our families that were able to come and help out. We cleaned out her flower beds, her planter boxes and planted the veggies and flowers she had already purchased. My mom works part time and works crazy hours for a local home improvement store. When she is not working, she is keeping up with appointments and taking care of what needs to be done. She never has two days off in a row. This was the perfect gift for her in my opinion. Now she can do her planting at her own leisure and actually enjoy it. She was totally surprised when she returned home later that evening. She called me and said "I see ya'll have been busy!" I could hear her smile through her voice. That was priceless and so worth all the work.  On Sunday, we all got together and had a little get together, we all pitched in and as always it was really good. Nothing like getting together with the ones you love while enjoying good food.

I had no idea what I was going to bring. This trifle just kind of hit me while I was sweeping the kitchen floor. I just love how ideas just pop into my head. I had no idea how this was going to play out. I will admit I wasn't sure but wow what an outcome. Everyone was awe struck when they saw it.  It was not long after we ate that my Dad was saying "ok, where is it?"  This trifle was so good and all I heard was mmmm and oh my! This is really out of this world and will be made for many more family get togethers.  You must try this one!

Cherry Brownie Trifle

1 box brownie mix, prepared
1 can of cherry pie filling
1 large tub of whipped topping
1 large box of chocolate instant pudding, prepared

Cook brownies according to package directions, allow to cool. Prepare pudding mix and set aside. Cut brownies into squares to allow easier crumbling. Crumble 1/3- 1/2 of the brownies and arrange in the bottom of a trifle dish or glass bowl. Pour about half the chocolate pudding on top of the crumbled brownies. Pour in about half a can of cherry pie filling over top of the pudding and add a layer of whipped topping. Repeat layers until you get to the top of the bowl. Enjoy!

My sister said she thought strawberries would be better. I think it would be equally as good. Will try that next time. Hope you get to try it soon.  Much love!

Shared at
Weekend Potluck at The Country Cook
Thursday Treasures at Recipe for My Boys
Everyday Mom's Meals Church Supper

Here a few more recipes to tempt your sweet tooth-


  1. As her sister, I can say that this was delicious! A must try desert. Good job Melissa, as usual! Love ya!

  2. This looks amazing! I'm wishing for a big bowl right now. Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 34. See you again next week, dear. <3 and hugs! open all week

  3. Well, you had me at "Brownie". One of my favorites. And this just takes it over the top. Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  4. Oh my, that looks absolutely divine!


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