No Bake Mini Cheesecakes

Do you ever have one of those moments when you want something and you "think" you have all the ingredients. Well I had my mind set on make this Cherries in the Snow from The Country Cook but I didn't fully read the directions when I went into the kitchen. You see, it needed a few hours to rest in the fridge and my tummy wanted something right away.  So after a few minutes of feeling disappointed, I decided to throw something together with the ingredients. 

I didn't have any graham crackers BUT I did have some vanilla wafers I had been holding onto for while. I have been trying to make a banana pudding for the longest time. Either the bananas would go bad before I had a chance to make it or the family would gobble them up. So I gave up on making that for now. 

The family loved these and wanted more. My tummy was happy too. These literally took me just a few minutes to throw together. That is my kind of recipe. 

Do you have a go to recipe for a quick family treat?

No Bake Mini Cheesecakes

1 small box of instant cheesecake pudding
1 container of whipped topping
1 can of cherry pie filling
12 vanilla wafers, crumbled

Mix the instant pudding according to package directions. Gently fold in the container of whipped topping. Crush the vanilla wafers ( I place in a freezer bag and whack it with a rolling pin) and place in the bottom of your containers. Spoon in the pudding mixture. Top with the cherry pie filling. Enjoy. 

Shared over at 
Weekend Potluck at The Country Cook
Meal Plan Monday


  1. Sounds delicious!! I do adore cheesecakes.

  2. Thanks Catherine, these are super easy and do not disappoint! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you get to try these.

  3. I'm crazy for cheesecake...and simple recipes like this one. Oftentimes those easy ones are the very best. This is right up my taste bud alley. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Weekend Potluck. Please come back again soon.

  4. Thanks Marsha, this one a threw together in a few minutes. My kind of recipe.

  5. Yep...loved this recipe so much I chose it to be my personal favorite at our Weekend Potluck party. My kind of recipe too. If you haven't already, please come on over and share again.

  6. Love that this is 4 ingredients! I hope I have a tub of Cool Whip in the freezer! Would love if you shared these pretty photos for Friday Favorites party going on now at


  7. how many jars does this recipe fill


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