Family Favorite Meatloaf at What's for Supper Sunday #3

Welcome to another issue of What's for Supper Sunday!  We are now into week three and I feel like I am getting my stride with meal planning. It is nice to know what we are eating for supper every night and not having to stress about it. As with most weeks, there are a few crock pot recipes thrown in there. I just love being able to load up the crock pot and go on about my day, don't you? Crock Pot Meatball Subs are one of those dump and go kind of recipes. We usually have leftovers so we will be eating those for lunch throughout the rest of the week. And to change things up a bit, we are having some breakfast for supper. Sausage and Egg Casserole is such a versatile dish. Don't like sausage, replace with bacon. It is always good no matter what is added. The best thing I like about this dish is that its not one I have to put in the fridge overnight before it can be made. It can all be made the day you need it and it goes straight into the oven. I get rave reviews about this one too! So there you have it, its What's for Supper this week. 


Tuesday- Valentines Day!!






This weeks sweet treats-


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