Deep Dish Taco Squares at Weekend Potluck #264

Happy Weekend!  Hope this week finds you well!  It has been a crazy week for our house and it all started with a fever. My husband decided to bring strep throat into this house and share it with me!!  How dare he do that?  So it has been a not so fun week for me. But I am on the mend and I could not be happier. 

We have some wonderful features this week at Weekend Potluck. These Deep Dish Taco Squares are seriously making me drool. We are a taco loving house here so I know this would be a hit with my crew! Our other features include Whole Wheat Banana Bread, Irish Butter Shortbread Cookies, and Tina from Mommy's Kitchen brought dessert- Lemon Surprise Bundt Cake. Goodness, who else is hungry?

Are you new to Weekend Potluck? 

Just click on any of the photos below to take you to the full recipes! We keep track of all the recipes you click on. When you scroll down to the bottom of this post, you’ll see a bunch of little thumbnail photos of recipes that your favorite food bloggers are sharing right now. The recipe with the most “clicks” this week will be our top featured recipe next week! So make sure you click on all your favorites!

The recipe with the most clicks was...

Deep Dish Taco Squares by The Farm Wife Cooks

Recipes that caught our attention ~

Irish Butter Shortbread Cookies by Big Rigs n Lil Cookies

Whole Wheat Banana Bread by Nancy Creative

~ Featured Hostess Recipe ~

Lemon Surprise Bundt Cake by Mommy’s Kitchen

Your Hostesses ~

Remember that when you link up, it shows on all FOUR blogs. Plus…


Linky Guidelines: We only have ONE simple rule to be a featured recipe:
  1. LINK BACK HERE from your post so that others can find the fun. < >


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Irish Butter Shortbread Cookies!


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