Cheesy Taco Soup at What's for Supper Sunday #6

Last week proved to be very difficult for meal planning for me. My husband decided to pick up strep throat and he so kindly shared it with me!!  Honestly, we lived off of canned soup and crackers for days. I am still struggling to get back on my feet but we still have to eat. And the best way we can do that is to meal plan. So on days I still don't feel 100% at least we know what he can pitch in and cook. Since winter decided it needed to make a return after 70 and 80 degree days I found it fitting to add in our favorite soups this week. Plus, we should have plenty of leftovers for lunch the next day or two or if we need to heat for supper one night, we are all covered. I really hope this is the last blast of cold air because I am so ready for warmer days. 

If you want to follow along with this meal plan, click on any of the photos to grab the recipe. 


(Taco Tuesday)



(Just like Grandma's!)


Kitchen's Closed


Sweet Treats this week:


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