Farmer's Market Skillet at What's for Supper Sunday #39

Farmer's Market Skillet

This year has been the first year we have not had a garden. We moved at the beginning of the year and have found that we have a lot of wildlife that likes to hang out in the yard. Rabbits, groundhogs, deer, you name it. So I knew if we planted a garden, it would get eaten by the wildlife before we could get to it. So we settled to just frequent the farmers markets and road side stands. There is still time to savor all those summer veggies. Farmer's Market Skillet uses up all those squash and zucchini that are ripening like crazy right now. 

Farmers Market Skillet, Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches, Easy One Pot Chili Mac, and so much more at What's for Supper Sunday meal plan over at Served Up With Love.

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Just click on the title and it will take you right to the recipe. If you are looking for a little more inspiration, check out last week's What's for Supper Sunday.

Wednesday – Baked Big Steak Omelet

Side​ ​Suggestions

Dessert​ ​Suggestion

Lunch Suggestion


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